Friday, June 6, 2008


Was reading my old comments on some blogs back in 2005. Brought back lots of memories. Funny how time just swoops past by... How much people change and how much the way we think or approach things changes... Nostalgia!!! Its not always a good thing... 

I found a comment I left that describes how I disagreed with the author and told him/her that it all boils down to perspective... that you neednt feel alone just 'coz you are sitting alone... That somewhere in this world someone awaits you... Someone loves you... I wonder whether i still believe that... I guess I do... But have I been there where one feels all alone even in a room full of people??? Of course!!! I have seen loneliness in all its colors; caused by various people/occurrences... Do I still believe someone out there loves me so I should not feel that way??? Yes... 

Hurt!!! Its all very subjective... Why do we get hurt??? Because we give those close to us the power to hurt us... An enemy you could care less for will not hurt you the way your loved one would... But I would rather experience that closeness and be hurt than be deprived of it altogether... Everyone loves to be wanted... 

Here I sit at 1:30am writing more "beliefs"... I wont stop... Never learnt to... Never will... I changed my motto a long time ago to 



John Sekar said...

This particular post is so "you"...
"You" in the sense - a bunch of strong beliefs tied down with a lot of pain and experience and yet bundled with tiny rays of hope... Lashing out and embracing the world all at the same time...

It may have sounded like you were saying something random, but you were saying exactly and coherently what was running through your head...

Just one more word: Wow!

Anonymous said...

Nostalgia helps keep one grounded, keeps one aware of the change and evolution one has gone through, to become the person they are today. Hurt, pain, anguish.. are all part of the unending process life puts us through called growing up.
Would one rather do without it? Hell, no! It is what makes every moment of one's small life worth living. So, touche.